Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blog Post 7

I'm still reading H.I.V.E. and its still interesting and I'm still hooked. The villain school has a special A.I. (artificial intelligence) system that keeps it safe and secret. The A.I. is super smart and can cairy like 100 conversations on at the same time. Then when Otto figures out that somethings not right he asks the A.I. if it is happy. i thought this was strange and the A.I. answered not permited to cary out emotional responses. Otto figured out that he is not aloud but still able. Then when he is in the changing room his thought is confirmed and the A.I. said no he is not happy i thought this was interesting and it kept me reading bc it could help Otto to escape the island for the first time in the schools over 40 year history. So until next week this is my blog.
P.S. i commented on Jocelyn's blog

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Post 6

I just started the book H.I.V.E. and so far i ove it i can barely put it down. I love it because it throws you right into the story and they don't take a bunch of time to just explain everything and do all the boring talk stuff. Also right when it starts u arent told everything and u find things out as Otto the main character does so it keeps me intrested by always leaving doors open. I also liked how mysterious the headmaster was because he seems like he doesnt't agree with what hes doing but still does it and does it with force so i tihnk this could be a very interesting book going forward. until next week thats my blog.