Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog Post 9

I am STILL reading H.I.V.E. and even though it's good all the reading ms. Pieterzak is making us do grrrrr it's making me slow down. Otto just finished his first day of classes and it pretty much ended up in a skill assesment on theiur first day. I predict that they will be split up in their next classes my skill levela dn elimenate the "weaker" students bc that just is the way the school seems to work survival of the strongest. so I'll read more and post again in a week.
P.S. i coomented on Erin's blog

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blog Post 8

I am still reading H.I.V.E. i still think its a great book but I'm reading really slow. We just found out that one of the girls in the school was a notorious international jewel thief known as the wraith. This surprised me bc first of all she's only 13 and without even her parents or anyone knowing, that would definitely explain y she was chosen to go to this villain school. Also for the first time ever Number 1, the man in charge of everything is the one who sponsored Otto's admission. I think Number 1 has big plans for Otto bc he has never sponsored ANYONE to go to school at H.I.V.E. and he was the one who spotted Darkdoom many years ago who turned into one of the best villains ever, and even when he saw Darkdoom he didn't sponsor him. The strangest thing is that one of the teachers is actually a talking cat. The cat is the stealth and evasion teacher even though shes a bright white cat how invisible. So until next week this was my blog and hopefully I'll finish my book.

P.S. i commented on Noah Segal's blog