Monday, September 28, 2009

Blof Post 4 Ranger's Apprentice

I just finished reading "Rangers Apprentice Book 5 The Sorcerer of the North" and it was a very good book but not quite as good as "Catching Fire" in my opinion. My favorite character in this book was Will. Will is a Ranger in thius book which in the kingdom of Arluen are considered very mysterious and people don't like to hang out or associate themselves with Rangers bc some people consider them sorcerers. Will is my favorite character bc i can relate to him as being a good athlete and the kinds of things he does for fun. I also like him because he is very good at what he does such as bow shooting because he can hit a target 100's of meters away.
so until next week on my blog i like Will bye

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog Post 3 end of "Catching Fire"

I just finished reading "Catching Fire" and its a great book and i would highly recommend reading it but DO NOT read further if u plan on reading this book.
I thought this book was very interesting and entertaining. This was because There was a conflicted love story with Katniss and Peeta and Gale because at first Gale and Katniss were very close friends and it was thought that they would get married one day, but then Katniss and Peeta were called into the arena and they had to be lovers to survive the arena. So after these Katniss feels guilty whenever she does anything with either Gale or Peeta because they both love her and she feels she is betraying the other one. Another reason this book was interesting was because when the previous victors from other games Finick the old victor from district 4 was helping keep Peeta alive and sacrificing other people in their alliance in the arena which seemed curious until at the end of the book Katniss found out it was because it was part of their escape plan to break out of the arena which was kept a secret from Katniss so President Snow wouldn't fugure out their plan. During the escape came the 2 biggest shockers to me. 1. Peeta was captured during the escape which surprised me because it was like the most ridiculous thing to me because he was like the main supporting character and he could move crouds with words. 2. After Katniss got up in the hovercraft she met Gale and he told her that theres no more district 12 and that they were going to district 13. This surprised me because i thought they would go to district 12 which was the home of the victors and then they were going district 13 which was the supposedly destroyed district. Then they just ended the book there and I hated this because it was just a cliff hanger there and they left to many doors open and i guess this means book 3 will be realy good .
So no wuntil next week this was my blog.
P.S. I commented on Jocelyn's blog

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

blog post 2 "Catching Fire"

I just started a new book called catching fire and its the second book in the hunger games series. So far I love this book. I'm only on page 40 but the cold hearted president is already threatening Katniss the main character and Peeta her supposid boyfriend because hes afraid by there acts of defiance in the arena could cause an uprising. So far he's threatened to kill Katnisses best friend through childhood Gale. I think this is just cruel bc they were in love beforee the akward stuff with the hunger game heppened. Then to prevent the uprising Katniss and Peeta must be madly in love or all there friends and family kick the bucket. THis won't be hard for Peeta bc well he is, but it will be hard for Katniss bc shes not sure if she like Peeta or Gale and its realy akward for her but i think she just has to make a choice bc if hse doesnt life will only geet harder for her.
so now until next week this has been my blog.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Looking Glass Wars" blog post 1

Hello if u are reading this blog u are about to read how far I've gotten and what i think about looking glass wars. The looking glass wars is the first book in the series. So far Ive gotten to page 39 out of 358 which is kind of hard to tell if its going to stay good or not but right now it seems interesting and the characters seem pretty good so far. All that's happened so far is that Alice is having her birthday celebration and she is the princess so all of wonderland is celebrating. Then she starts doing mischievous things with her imagination. After that she goes into her own room and then she calls her friend the gaurds son into the room with her. Then she goes through a hypothetical situation with him that she called a "military exercise." After she was done she pretrended like she was distressed so she made him dance with her. After they started Jack of Hearts the boy that Alice is upposed to marry when they both grow up and he started just being a flat out jerk. After taht and Jack was making Alyce mad The gaurds boy hitted him and knocked him flat on his but. After that Jack ran to tell his parents to tell on them but mad hatter stopped him because he sah amazing hearing but before he could do that and catch alyce and the gaurds boy they had already escaped out side the palace so then mad hatter caught up with them they were outside the castle. And that's all I've read this week so I'm done till next week and ill make my next post hopefully by the time its do.