Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blog Post 3 end of "Catching Fire"

I just finished reading "Catching Fire" and its a great book and i would highly recommend reading it but DO NOT read further if u plan on reading this book.
I thought this book was very interesting and entertaining. This was because There was a conflicted love story with Katniss and Peeta and Gale because at first Gale and Katniss were very close friends and it was thought that they would get married one day, but then Katniss and Peeta were called into the arena and they had to be lovers to survive the arena. So after these Katniss feels guilty whenever she does anything with either Gale or Peeta because they both love her and she feels she is betraying the other one. Another reason this book was interesting was because when the previous victors from other games Finick the old victor from district 4 was helping keep Peeta alive and sacrificing other people in their alliance in the arena which seemed curious until at the end of the book Katniss found out it was because it was part of their escape plan to break out of the arena which was kept a secret from Katniss so President Snow wouldn't fugure out their plan. During the escape came the 2 biggest shockers to me. 1. Peeta was captured during the escape which surprised me because it was like the most ridiculous thing to me because he was like the main supporting character and he could move crouds with words. 2. After Katniss got up in the hovercraft she met Gale and he told her that theres no more district 12 and that they were going to district 13. This surprised me because i thought they would go to district 12 which was the home of the victors and then they were going district 13 which was the supposedly destroyed district. Then they just ended the book there and I hated this because it was just a cliff hanger there and they left to many doors open and i guess this means book 3 will be realy good .
So no wuntil next week this was my blog.
P.S. I commented on Jocelyn's blog